简介: 该陆地探索记录式慈禧的私密生活真人秀邀请INTO1成员以小分队模式,深入广东佛山、宁夏中卫、重庆三座城市,与多位非物质文化传承人一起未知死亡 电影,学习中国传统技艺,体验中国城市的烟火气。在过程中,他们用更年轻态的艺术表达形式,为传统文化注入新的活力。并将一路见闻灵感收集,创 作出具有当地特色的音乐作品,随节目播出一并发表。
简介: 《美好的星程》以探索新国潮追寻国民归属感为题,站稳国潮崛起国货自信的新风☐,奔赴一场由星享官发起 的国潮之旅,以年我嗨轻视角,打卡城市"星"地标,挖掘全民"星&q洛阳婚介uot;国货。每期嘉宾和星享官们一同探寻和发 现一城一镇新的魅力所在!
Neil Oliver
简介: 第一集:最后的自由 苏格兰的形成;以及之后苏格兰人在“布鲁南伯尔战役”(BattleofBrunanburh)中的历史作用,威塞克斯王朝的阿特尔斯坦(Athelstan)在此役中非缘勿扰电视剧全集剧情介绍击败以苏格兰王康斯坦丁二世(ConstantineIIofScotland)为首的联军,之后自称“不列颠大王”,从而奠定了不列颠的雏形。 第二集:苏格兰之锤 苏格兰历史上两位杰出人物亚历山大二世(AlexanderII)与威廉·华莱士(WilliamWallace),锤炼了苏格兰的民族意识,将盖尔人的古国塑造成了苏格兰。 第三集:主教成就国王 苏格兰国王罗伯特一世(RoberttheBruce,1306-1329在位)为苏格兰独立而奋斗,苏格兰的教会也在国内外展开宣传攻势。最终1320年的《阿布罗斯宣言》(DeclarationofArbroath)促使教皇承认了苏格兰作为独立国家的地位。 第四集:语言就是力量 盖尔人和盖尔语曾经是苏格兰人民族认同的核心,但是一场家族争斗造成了众所周知的“高地”与“低地”的区分。15世纪斯图尔特家族(Stewartroyalfamily)的政策使盖尔人被视作外来人和叛乱者。 第五集:不列颠计划 斯图亚特(Stuart)王朝两位君主的野心是使曾经的宿敌合而为一并走向现代不列颠的决定性力量。苏格兰玛丽女王还只是阴谋夺取伊丽莎白一世的王权,她的儿子詹姆士则有着波多野结衣 下载更为激进的梦想。
Fergal Keane
简介: 它的主持人是《英国古代史》的主持人,用略带口音的英语把爱尔兰惊心动魄的千年历史娓娓道来...这个系列做的有新意,旨在打破人们对爱尔兰的固有偏见,认为爱尔兰系单一民族,单一文化,单一信仰的海贼王漫画1019话岛国。 第一集 入侵时代 讲了盎格鲁诺曼征服之前的爱尔兰古代世界,那时爱尔兰与世界密切相连,其民族由不同的入侵和移居种族杂合而成,绝非单一的凯尔特族。其文化也因此兼收并蓄,海纳百川。确实令人意想不到。 第二集 征服时代 这一段是从英裔诺曼征服爱尔兰到奥尼尔伯爵造反被镇压跨度4小草在线观看视频免费00年的故事。盖尔人,英裔诺曼人,伊丽莎白时代英国人,天主教西班牙人,几股势力纠缠打斗在一起,构成了故事的主线。 第三集 革命时代 这一集从17世纪初苏格兰新教徒殖民贝尔法斯特讲起,至1798年爱尔兰人联合会起义失败收尾。是爱尔兰历史上一段天主教势力瓦解,新教徒掌权的故事。200年里,爱尔兰历经两次天主教起义,天主教权贵下台后的100多年新教统治和一次天主教徒和新教徒的联合起义,成为了诸如克伦威尔,威廉三世,詹姆斯二世这些叱咤风云的历史人物的舞台。短短2个世纪里,各种事件此起彼伏,各种矛盾交织,各陈怡非洲种团体林立,各种关系错综复杂,令人眼花缭乱。
简介: 天海里红 橘和希
Neil Oliver,Alison Sheridan
简介: Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain and its pe第四色官方网站ople came to be over thousands of years of ancient history - the beginnings of our world forged in ice, stone, and bronze A History Of Ancient Britain will turn the spotlight onto the very beginning of Britain’s story. From the last retreat of the glaciers 12,000 years ago, until the departure of the Roman Empire in the Fifth Century AD this epic series will reveal how and why these isla屋塔房王世子演员表nds and nations of ours developed as they did and why we have become the people we are today. The first series transmits in early 2011 and there will be a following series in 2012. 第二季将于明年制作播出……
Mark Caven,Ouriel Maoz,Rivka Maoz
简介: CNN纪录片 The Lost To魔神舞步mb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazarjaponensis成熟eth.
Joann Fletcher,Tamara Tunie
简介: Dr. Joann Fletchers, an Egyptologist finds three abandoned mummies in a tomb in the Valley Of Kings. She thinks the third mummy is the forgotten legend, once the most powerful wo圣书阁man on earth; Nefertiti. With the help of modern day technology and scientists she tries to uncover mysteries sur亚洲精品中文字幕在线视频rounding the life of Nefertiti. But is the mummy really Nefertiti?
Bob Brier
简介: 本系列收录下列影片: 金字塔之王 埃及艳后 图坦卡门 一代女王 叛逆的法老 拉姆西斯大帝 金字塔之王 The Great Egyptians - King of the Pyramids 四千年来,金字塔一直是令人着迷的伟大建筑,而其中的创世巨作,则是出自埃及法老「史奈佛汝」之手。从梅登金字塔的尝试、达西尔金字塔的天花板、到吉萨大金字塔的壮观走廊,都只是金字塔的一小步。史奈佛汝的“承材天花板”解决了金字塔内倾崩塌的危机,更创造了阶梯金字塔、弯曲金字塔、红色金字塔、以及由史奈佛汝之子奇阿普斯所建的大金字塔等,史上最伟大的建筑空间。 埃及艳后 The Great Egyptians-The Real Cleopatra 众人皆云埃及艳后拥有美貌,但其实智慧才是她的最佳资产。在她与凯萨大帝及马克安东尼的两段婚姻中,埃及艳后积极的朝她的政治理想迈进,虽然日后她传奇的一生结束于蛇吻,但她始终盛名不坠。当伟大的法老王之名不复存于人们的记忆中时,埃及艳后的名字 “克莉欧派卓",却在世你们我们他们电视剧人的心中历久不衰。 图坦卡门 The Great Egyptians -The Mistery of Tutankhamun 图坦卡门,一个在埃及史上来不及写下辉煌历史的法老,却在安息了几千年后完好无缺的出土,成为王陵谷中硕果仅存的法老。而陪同图坦卡门出土的不仅是大量的金银财宝,更引人入胜的则是他隐藏在金色面具后的悲惨童年,以及猝死的幕后阴谋。藉由Discovery Channel 的探访及专家的解说,一连串的历史真相将呼之欲出。 一代女王 The GREAT EGYPTIANS II - THE QUEEN WHO WOULD BE KING 埃及在由男性统治了千余年之后,出现了赫雀瑟,一位不以贵为公主或王后而自满的女性。Discovery Channel将为您剖析这位史上唯一女王的野心与欲望,叙述她的生长环境及丰功伟业。为了统治埃及,赫雀瑟必须扮演男性的角色,身为女人却登基为王的事实,也迫使她不得不去面对埃及“神圣秩序”的严格考验。 叛逆的法老 THE GREAT EGYPTIANS II - REBEL PHARAOHT 阿肯那顿在继承王位后,他提出了“一神论“,企图摆脱传统束缚,解放艺术,展现王室前所未闻,不为人知的一面。但阿肯那顿创造的理想宗教,毕竟不符合埃及人的世界,脱离俗世的阿肯那顿,遂成了埃及史上著名的叛逆法老。他究竟是宗教狂热份子?亦或者是耶稣的先驱?Discovery Channel将为您揭开真相。 拉姆西斯大帝 THE GREAT EGYPTIANS II - RAMSES THE GREAT 本片介绍古埃及最伟大的建筑家、最勇猛的战士;同时也是出埃及记中的无名法老--拉姆西斯大帝。拉姆西斯在位67年,对多数埃及人而言,他是唯一的国王也是永远的大帝。 Discovery Cha中国合伙人bdnnel将带您深入拉姆西斯的世界,一窥这位在圣经人物中唯一可见的人物面貌,以及其缔造的丰功伟业
简介:&老年斑蚂蚁庄园lt;p> Out of the chaos, darkness and violence of the Middle Ages, one family rose to seize control of England. Generation after generation they ruled the country for more than three hundred years, ruthlessly crushing all competition to become the greatest English dynasty of all time. They were The Plantagenets. Presented by award-winning journalist and acclaimed historian Dan Jones, the Plantagenets combines creative and insightful research with searing dramatic reconstructions to bring to life this shocking and visceral time in England’s history. From Henry II, betrayed by his own wife and children when they try to seize the throne to the powerful friendship between Henry III and Simon de Montfort which falls into hatred and bloody civil war; from Edward II’s adulterous French wife and his ‘legendary’ death from麻豆视传媒官方网站入口下载 a red hot poker to the boy king and tyrant Richard II one of the most vicious and inventive despots in English history; Britain’s Bloodiest Dynasty: The Plantagenets uncovers a dark, vengeful and bloody history which compels viewers into the heart of the action as they bear witness to the most ruthless dynasty in English history.
Elana Drago,William Hope,Nasser Memarzia
简介: The grail is not the gold, nor the 山寨小萌主电视剧免费观看books of ancient wisdom, but 请输入搜索词www韩剧the 3,000 year old DNA of the mummies, which may lead to a cure f日本漫画大全无翼乌全彩or malaria
西蒙·法纳比,Leon Hunt,John Ashdown-Hill
简介: 2012年9月,当一具骨毒枭第二季骼在兰切斯特市政厅的一个停车场被发现的时候,这个消息传遍了世界各地。这会不会是在遗失了500年的英国的最臭名昭著的国王的尸体呢?在这部全球独家纪录片中,电视四台呈现了寻找理查三世的完整内幕。 When a skeleton was reported found under a Leicester council car park in September 2012, the news bro光棍天堂电影在线播放ke around the world. Could it be the remains, lost for 500 years, of England's most infamous king? In a wor李锋 江雪的小说叫什么名字ld exclusive, Channel 4 has the full inside story of the hunt for Richard III.
尼古拉斯·罗尔,Sophie Countess of Wessex,凯特·米德尔顿,Sarah Ferguson,梅根·马克尔,Pippa Middleton,安德鲁·阿尔伯特·克里斯琴,查尔斯王子,哈里王子,菲利普亲王,安妮·伊丽莎白·爱莉斯·路易斯·劳伦斯,戴安娜王妃,伊丽莎白二世,伊丽莎白·安吉拉·玛格丽特·鲍斯-莱昂,爱德华·威塞克斯
简介: A behind-the-scenes look at royal weddings revealing how these grand events are organised. Featuring interviews with the performers, florists, dressmakers, tailors, security guards, vicars and jewellers www.molikan.com who helped make the day so special.
简介: Writer and broadcaster Step出轨的老婆hen Smith finds out what imanbett took to survive and prosper in the most artistic, decadent and dangerous royal午夜dj在线观看大全 courts in history.
Penelope Keith
简介: Dame Penelope Keith visits Eng悬崖电视剧免费观看全集在线观看land's picturesque villages to see how they're holding up 暮然回首 那人却在灯火阑珊处in the 21st century. For the most part, she finds them quirky, resilient, and, well二胎时代综艺, picturesque.
简介: Following the sell out tour and triumphantly successful album 'The Emancipation of Mimi', Mariah Carey releases the highly anticipated tour DVD 'The Adventures of Mimi'. The tour, produced by Ken Ehrlich, played to packed houses across the States, Canada and Japan. Throughout the tour the multi-award winning star sang hits including her classics such as "Vision of Love and "Fantasy" and also songs from her latest album including "We Belong Together", "It's Like That" and "Say Something". One of the highlights of the tour was when Mariah played a sell-out show in her hometown, New York, at Madison Square Gardens joined on stage by her friends Jay Z and P Diddy. Mariah is currently in the studio putting finishing touches to her latest album, yet untitled. Her signature fragrance, 'M' by Mariah Carey, is in stores now and her latest movie, 'Tennessee' from the makers of 'Monster's Ball' will be released soon. Carey is also in production with Adam Sandler shooting yet another movie, "You Don't m黑道邪皇txt下载ess with the Zohan". 1 Intro 2 It's Like That 3 Heartbreaker 4 Dreamlover 5 My All 6 Shake It Off 7 Vision Of Love 8 Fly Like A Bird 9 I'll Be There 10 Fantasy 11 Don't Forget About Us 12 Always Be My Baby 13 Honey 14 I Wish You Knew 15 Can't Let Go 16 One Sweet Day 17 Hero 18 Make It Happen 19 We Belong Together 20 Butterfly Reprise
Waldemar Januszczak
简介: According to Giorgio Vasari, the first art historian, the Renaissance was centred on a revival of interest in classical art that began and flourished in Italy. Waldemar disagrees, and accuses Vasari of errant jingoism. In fact, the most significant early developments in Renaissance art took place not in Italy, but in the ‘barbarian’ lands of Flanders and Germany. Instead of understanding the Renaissance as a return to classical models, we should see it as a climax of medieval values - an epoch of huge religious passions and powerful human emotions. The series will celebrate material that is new to television. Waldemar will include art that is not usually thought of as Renaissance art. This will involve 're-classifying' what is sometimes called Late Gothic, and showing it off as a marvellous and native artistic tradition, particularly in the remarkable field of polychrome sculpture. On top of all the new art to be introduced, Waldemar will also look from fresh and intriguing angles at含羞草实验所入口免费进入网址 many of the established Renaissance giants, including Michelangelo in the Vatican, Leonardo in the Louvre, Botticelli in the Uffizi and Van Eyck in Ghent.
Julian Richards
简介: Archaeologist Julian Richards returns to s郑九成ome of his most important digs to discover how science, conservation and new finds have changed our understanding of entire eras of ancient history. Pagans of Roman Britain 1/4 Julian Richards goes back to the excavation of two burials from Roman Britain. Families of the Stone Age 2/4 Archaeologist Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two burials from the Stone Age. Sacred Women of the Iron Age 3/4 Julian Richards returns to the excavation of two very different Iron Age women. The First Anglo-Saxons 4/4 Julian Richards returns to the excavak260tion of two early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries.
简介: Arts, History Documentary hosted by Ana Marie Valentir, publish偷窥漫画第一季ed by WDR in 2017 - English narration
Janina Ramirez,Kim Siddorn,David Symonds
简介: 英国的盎格鲁撒克逊时代,对所有人来说都午夜福利1000集2019年免费是一个神秘的时代,它确确实实的存在过,却又在诺曼人入侵之后销声匿迹,没有留下曾经存在过的痕迹。这个曾经辉煌一时的部落时代,给我们留下大量的历史宝藏,这些宝藏以其精美的工艺令后世惊叹,令我们膜拜不已。但正是这样一个文化,却又没有海贼王907留下什么文字记录,只有一首战歌留存世上: 战马骑手今何在? 王者去何方? 华堂宝座今何在? 盛黑猫用尾巴来撒娇宴去何方? 啊 葡萄美酒夜光杯! 啊 金鳞盔甲英雄配! 啊 人民百姓尊荣贵!
Penelope Keith
简介: Dame Penelope Keith visits England's picturesque villages to see how they're holding up in the 21st ce妈妈的朋友韩国免费观看全集在线观看天才ntury. For the most part, she finds them quirky, resilient, and, well, picturesque.
简介: Rihanna 2008年首度个唱,收录出道以来所有金曲,还翻唱了碧昂斯等天后巨星的金曲,更加赠3首新区及幕后花絮,绝对不容错过。 演唱会曲目: 01. Pon de Replay 02. Break正义联盟扎导剪辑版什么时候出 it Off 03. Let Me 04. Rehab 05. Breakin' Dishes 06. Is This Love 07. Kisses Don't Lie 08. Scratch 09. SOS 10. Good Girl Gone Bad 11. Hate That I Love You 12. Unfaithful 13. Sell Me Candy 14. Don't Stop The Music 15. Push Up On Me 16. Shut Up And Drive 17. Question Existing 18. Umbrella
Hazel Brugger
简介: In this stand-up special, comedian H小776azel Brugger offers her breezy takes on u权利的游戏第五季下载nruly geese, chatty gynecologists, German bank loans and more.厕奴小说
简介: 刀子嘴豆腐心的伯纳德家族经营着平价的殡仪馆生意,帮助处于悲痛中的家庭与逝者道别。重生之二战美国大兵
Anna Chancellor,Gillian Kearney,Jack Davenport,Phyllis Logan,Oliver Chris,Lucy Cohu
简介: Jane Austen remains one of the greatest writers of all time. Almost two hundred years after her death, her novels such as “Pride and Prejudice” and “Mansfield Park” continue to entrance generations of readers the world over. This film shatters any assumption that Austen herself lived the elegant Regency life of her financially comfortable heroines who ultimately find their true love. Instead it reveals the real Jane Austen as part 中年熟女of strata of Regency society much crueller in its treatment of women and harsher in its economic realities than her novels and their current television adaptations convey. And it discovers a woman more tragic in her own personal love life who does not enjoy the “happy ending” that she bestows upon her own female characters. Through 荔枝视频男人最喜欢readings and dramatic reconstructions, The Real Jane Austen pieces together the reality of Austen’s existence her modest upbringing in Hampshire as one of seven children of a clergyman; her disappointment in love; and the family’s poverty following the death of her father. Through her writing Jane found financial independence without having to marry. Tragically only four years later in July 1817 while writing “Persuasion” Jane Austen died. Filmed in locations associated with Austen including Jane’s birth place of Steventon and her later home in Chawton, and illustrated with extracts from film and television adaptations of Austen’s work, The Real Austen paints a vivid portrait of one of the greatest tal电视剧享受人生ents in English literature.
Queen Elizabeth II,Alastair Bruce
简介: Exploring the role and symbolic meaning of the Crown Jewels in the centuries-old coronation ceremony, The Coronation shows these objects of astonishing beauty in new high-resolution footage. The film tells the extraordinary stadc影库 年龄确认入口ory of St Edward's Crown, which was destroyed after the English Civil War and remade for the Coronation of Charles II in 1661. It has only been worn by Her Majesty once, at the moment she was crowned. On 2 June 1953, on one of the coldest June days of the century and after 16 months of planning, The Queen set out from Buckingham Palace to be crowned at Westminster Abbey, watched by millions of people throughout the world. A ceremony dating back more than a thousand years was to mark the dawn of a new Elizabethan age. Viewing both private and official film footage, The Queen recalls the day when the weight of both St Edward's Crown and the hopes and expectations of a country recovering from war were on her shoulders, as the nation looked to their 27 year-old Queen to lead them into a new era. In the film, The Queen says: 「I've seen one Coronation, and been the recipient in the other, which is pretty remarkable.」 For audiences unfamiliar with the story of the Crown Jewels and the regalia, the film explains their contemporary relevance to the UK as a nation and to the enduring purpose and the work of monarchy. They are symbols of the relationship between the Sovereign and the people, and the duties and responsibilities of leadership. The film also features eyewitness accounts of those who participated in the 1953 Coronation, including a maid of honour who nearly fainted in the Abbey, and a 12 year-old choirboy who was left to sing solo when his overwhelmed c小米和爷爷在院子里在线阅读olleagues lost their voices.
玛丽亚·凯莉,爱莉安娜·格兰德,詹妮弗·哈德森,史努比狗狗,蒂凡尼·哈迪斯,米莉·波比·布朗,小莱斯利·奥多姆,比利·艾希纳,米斯蒂·克普兰德,海蒂·克鲁姆,贝特·米德勒,杰梅因·杜普里,Monroe Cannon,Moroccan Cannon,Mykal-Michelle Harris,Anitta
简介: 苹果将制作《玛丽亚·凯莉的奇幻圣诞节特别节目》(Mariah Carey’s Magical Christmas Special,暂译)。玛丽亚·凯莉与伊恩血地图·斯图尔特、Raj Kapoor、Ashley Edens担任执行制作人,哈密什·汉密尔顿、罗曼·科波拉执导。该特别节目将由一个温暖的故事串联起音乐、舞蹈与动画,并将于今年冬季登陆Apple TV+。
Neil Oliver
简介: A history of Scotland is, like as the name says, about Scotland's history. The first episode takes us through how Scotland was created and why its role in one of the greatest wars helped define Britain in the modern era. The second episode revolves around two front figures in Scottish history, Alexander II and William Wallace, and how they shaped Scotland. Episode three takes us to Robert The Bruce and his fight for Scottish independence and how the church promoted his cause. Episode four takes us to how the Stewart's caused a divide in Scotland between the Highlands and the Lowlands. And episode five revolves around the unification of Scotland and Britain during the reign 俄罗斯美女学校of Mary Queen Of Scots.
伊丽莎白二世,大卫·贝克汉姆,丹尼尔·克雷格,罗温·艾金森,J. K. 罗琳,肯尼思·布拉纳
简介: 根据《星期日泰晤士报》报道,伦敦奥运会的开幕式将重现一些历史场景,并以“甲壳虫”乐队的老歌“Hey Jude(嘿,裘德)”结束。 7月27日晚上9点,一口欧洲最大的钟将被敲响,奥运开幕式就此开始。钟上刻着莎士比亚名著《暴风雨》中的句子“不必害怕,岛上已满是声音”。 开幕式的主题援引《暴草草影院永久发布地址风雨》,被定为“奇妙岛屿”。体育场将被变成英国乡村,演员们将把真实的牛羊带到绿茵茵的草地上,向观众展现一幅田园牧歌的画面。 此后,人们将还原1948年一批移民从西印度群岛乘“帝国疾风号”来到英国开始新生活的场景,以及女性是如何争取选举权的历史。 另外,开幕式还将重现1936年200多名史称“加罗十字军”的来自英格兰东北部的工人徒步到伦敦议会大楼抗议的历史镜头。1936年正值全球经济大萧条,这些人抗议的是贫穷以及高达70%的失业率。 《星期日泰晤士报》称,开幕式导演、曾执导过《贫民窟的百万富翁》的丹尼·博伊尔的这一做法对于目前正处于经济危机中的全球来讲很有象征意义。开幕式演出的一个高潮是悬挂于观众头顶的五个巨大的圆环在烟火中慢慢叠到一起,组成奥运五环的标志,随后发出光芒。 流行音乐的常青树、“甲壳虫”前主唱保罗·麦卡特尼将用一首“Hey Jude”结束整晚的演出,届时现场6万名观众将和他井空仓一起合唱,告诉人们要让世界“变得更好”。 伦敦奥运会开幕式时长为3小时,耗资2700万英镑(约合人民币2.69亿元)。英国女王伊丽莎白二世与100多位国家元首将出席开幕式,10亿名电视观众将观看直播。
Rosemary Shrager,大卫·索,杰姬·托恩
简介: &l中文字幕亚洲无线码t泷泽萝拉在线;/p>
机关枪凯利,泰勒·斯威夫特,凯蒂·派瑞,贾斯汀·比伯,碧丽·艾莉许,杜阿·利帕,克里斯蒂·瑟拉图斯,卡拉·迪瓦伊,詹妮弗·洛佩兹 Jennifer Lopez
简介: 1951年10月2日,在英国英格兰Northumberland郡的Wallsend市的Sumner家出生了一名男婴,他被取名叫做Gordon,Gordon Matthew Sumner,他就是后来大名鼎鼎的流行乐巨星Sting。自从1977年在英国伦敦,Sting和Stewart Copeland一起组建了成就辉煌的警察乐队(The Police)以来,他们迅速成为了英国最成功的乐队之一,Sting本人也成为了英国最受欢迎的男歌手之一,同时他的创作才能也被同行们所称道。在新浪潮音乐时期,Sting和警察乐队不仅在英国取得了成功而且还在大西洋彼岸的美国取得了同样伟大的成就。 在1985年警察乐队正式宣布解散以后,Sting就开始了令他更为辉煌的单飞生涯,此时,他的音乐风格也从后朋克时代的新浪潮风格开始发生转变。其实早在警察乐队正式解散前的1982年,他就曾经自己主创过一张电影原声《Brimstone And Treacle》,并且从1984年开始他就开始筹划录制自己的第一张个人专辑《The Dream of the Blue Turtles》,随后这张专辑在1985年正式发行。在这张专辑中,他邀请了大批爵士乐艺人参与录制,在当时看来,Sting的这份基于爵士乐的流行音乐转变似乎有些突然,但是这却成为了一张非常畅销的专辑,并且在美国也取得了非常出色的成绩,专辑成为Billboard 200排行榜亚军,并且共有三首单曲成为了排行榜的前十名。 随后的Sting开始了大范围的巡回演唱会,并且录制成为了电影和一张双CD的现场专辑,并且在1986年的时候发行,名字都叫做《Bring On The Night》。随后警察乐队重新回到了一起,但是这次重聚显然是非常短暂和失败的。在这之后,更激励了Sting的工作热情,他开始了献给他已故母亲的专辑《Nothing Like the Sun》的制作,在这张专辑中他又和前警察乐队吉他手Andy Summers进行了合作,并于1987年发行了这张同样成功的专辑。之后的日子,Sting并没有立即展开大规模的演唱会,而是转而投身公益事业,他为拯救埃塞俄比亚饥饿人口而多次举行义演,以及为许多公益组织做宣传,并且亲自创立了一个关于保护巴西热带雨林的基金会。1988年,Sting发行了西班牙语专辑《Nada Como el Sol》,这是在《Nothing Like the Sun》的基础上编辑而成的。 后来,父亲的去世再次刺激了Sting,他获取灵感,并创作了于1991年发行的专辑《The Soul Cages》,这张略带沉重和阴暗的专辑在美国依然获得了成功,同样排名Billboard排行榜亚军。1993年,Sting发行了最成功的流行乐专辑《Ten Summoner's Tales》,这时的他已经完全从新浪潮摇滚歌星转变为成人流行乐歌手,1993年末,他和Rod Stewart以及Bryan Adams合唱的单曲《All for Love》 帝锦全集成为了冠军,这被认为是他转型成功的标志。此后,他又于1996年发行了专辑《Mercury Falling》,1999年的《Brand New Day》,虽然在英国和世界其他地区都受到了很大的欢迎,但是在美国本土都没有取得像过去那样的辉煌,但是这丝毫没有影响Sting在世界上的受欢迎程度。2003年9月30日,Sting发行了新专辑《Sacred Love》。 在Sting所有的的作品中,他的歌词不仅优美,而且富有思想和深度,并且从来都是敢怒敢言,毫无忌讳。在离开警察乐队和结束了新浪潮风格以后,原本是贝斯手的Sting拿起了吉他,他的音乐也逐渐转变得更为流行。他的音乐风格受到了爵士乐很大的影响,他年轻的时候就经常演奏爵士乐,不同的是他敢于大胆的实验融合,在Sting的音乐中融合了古典和其他许多不同风格音乐的特点,他把这些音乐元素流行化,并且融合表现在自己的音乐中,从而自成一派。事实上,在他准备离开事业辉煌的警察乐队进一步寻求发展属于自己的音乐的时候,Sting是冒了相当大的风险的。 作为一名伟大的艺术家,Sting个人迄今为止一共获得过九尊格莱美奖杯。第一次获奖是在1984年,在1983年度的第26届格莱美颁奖典礼上,Sting凭借《Brimstone And Treacle》获得了最佳摇滚乐器表演奖(Best Rock Instrumental Performance)。三年后的1987年,第29届格莱美颁奖中,Sting又凭借录影带《Bring On The Night》获得了最佳音乐录影带长片奖(Best Music Video,Long Form)。1988年初,在第30届格莱美颁奖中,Sting凭借《Bring On The Night》第一次获得了最佳流行男歌手奖(Best Pop Vocal Performance, Male)。1991年度的34届格莱美颁奖中,Sting凭借单曲《Soul Cages》获得了最佳摇滚歌曲奖(Best Rock Song)。1993年度第36届格莱美颁奖中,Sting凭借《Ten Summoner's Tales》和《If I Ever Lose My Faith In You》分别获得了最佳音乐录影带长片奖和最佳流行男歌手奖,而且,凭借《Ten Summoner's Tales》,工程师Hugh Padgham还获得了最佳非古典录音工程专辑奖(Best Engineered Album - Non-Classical)。1999年度的第42届格莱美颁奖中,Sting凭借专辑《Brand New Day》获得了最佳流行专辑奖(Best Pop Album),专辑的同名单曲《Brand New Day》还使他获得了最佳流行男歌手奖。最近一次获奖是在2001年,在2000年度的第43届格莱美颁奖中,凭借单曲《She Walks This Earth (Soberana Rosa)》,Sting第四次获得了最佳流行男歌手奖。此外,他和他所在的The Police乐队,还曾经获得过六次格莱美奖,包括三次最佳摇滚乐队奖(Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal),两次最佳摇滚乐器表演奖,以及一次年度最佳单曲奖(Song Of The Year),而这首获奖单曲《Every Breath You Take》的词曲作者都是Sting一个人。 Tracklist: 1.A Thousand Years 2.Every Little Thing She Does is MagicЃЁ Preview 3.Englishman in New York 4.Roxanne 5.When We Dance 6.Russians 7.I Hung My Head 8.Why Should I Cry For You? 9.Whenever I Say Your Name 10.This Cowboy Son刑事侦缉档案第四部g 11.Tomorrow We'll See 12.Moon Over Bourbon Street 13.The End of the Game 14.You Will Be My Ain True Love 15.All Would Envy 16.Mad About You 17.King of Pain18.Every Breath You Take 18.Desert Rose 19.She's Too Good For Me 20.Fragile 21.I Was Brought to my Senses (Intro)
简介: 2012年大年三十,张昕宇和梁红背上行李包,开始“侣行”,成就了中国首档真人探险记录节目。翌年,《侣行》在优酷一经播出,就引起轰动。后续又陆续在优酷独播了《侣行2》、《侣行3》,鼓舞了万千受众,带领大家探索惊奇世界。2022年侣行丁丁历险记电影下载重回优酷,初心不改,向大家讲述【侣行】这十年不为人知的精彩故事。