  • 我心狂野1997



    每个人在某个地方总有一个属于你的人存在。“我心狂野”就是让这种信念实现的故事。它讲述的是拉忽尔,一个不相信爱情的人的故事。拉忽尔不太理解人们是如何能够在一起相处一生,难道真的有人是属于他的吗?这又是关于坡佳,一个相信一定有人是属于她的,而且她一定能遇上那个人的女孩的故事。这还是关于妮莎,一个认为爱情就是友谊,终有一天她的梦想会实现的故事。这部电影还有出色的音乐献给那些有梦想而充满热情的人们。他们的梦想能实现吗?他们能找到他们的真爱吗?影片将让我们相信每个人在某个地方总有一个属于你的人存在。  Dil to pagal hai is a fantastic film. Its my all time favorite.I love to watch Yash Chopra films and among them its the best one. Since the year it released i.e 1997 no other film has touched me like this.My extreme love for DTPH is because of following reasons.. -Its tag line touches m三生有幸遇上你 电视剧免费观看e i.e someone somewhere...is made for you. -Its story line and Yash Chopra's perfection as a director. -Its superb music by Uttam Singh and above all LATA MANGESHKAR's melodious duets with Udit Narayan.I love its songs; and in them, Lataji's voice (even more than old songs of Lataji) -Uttam singh's background instruments rock me whenever i listen to the numbers. -Shahrukh Khan's first performance in which he didnot deliver dialogs in the way like he earlier used to.He was very serious and his acting was quite,calm and mature.For the same reason he got several awards for this film. -Madhuri's pe东方直播室2013rformance was great and so was of Karisma.Both got awards and Karisma also got her first National Award. -I love its screenplay specially in the shots having an acting stage within the film.(See its climax to confirm what i said.) MUST SEE IT AFTER READING MY COMMENTS IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH ME. I AM SURE YOU WILL ALSO BECOME A DTPH FAN LIKE ME.

  • 我心狂野



    每个人在某个地方总有一个属于你的人存在。“我心狂野”就是让这种信念实现的故事。它讲述的是拉忽尔,一个不相信爱情的人的故事。拉忽尔不太理解人们是如何能够在一起相处一生,难道真的有人是属于他的吗?这又是关于坡佳,一个相信一定有人是属于她的,而且她一定能遇上那个人的女孩的故事。这还是关于妮莎,一个认为 扫黑风暴 免费观看爱情就是友谊,终有一天她的梦想会实现的故事。这部电影还有出色的音乐献给那些有梦想而充满热情的人们。他们的梦想能实现吗?他们能找到他们的真爱吗?影片将让我们相信每个人在某个地方总有一个属于你的人存在。  Dil to pagal hai is a fantastic film. Its my all time favorite.I love to watch Yash Chopra films and among them its the best one. Since the year it released i.e 1997 no other film has touched me like this.My extreme love for DTPH is because of following reasons.. -Its tag line touches me i.e someone somewhere...is made for you. -Its story line and Yash Chopra's perfection as a director. -Its superb music by Uttam Singh and above all LATA MANGESHKAR's melodious duets with Udit Narayan.I love its songs; and in them, Lataji's voice (even more than old songs of Lataji) -Uttam singh's background instruments rock me whenever i listen to the numbers. -Shahrukh Khan's first performance in which he didnot deliver dialogs in the way like he earlier used to.He was very serious and his acting was quite,calm and mature.For the same reason he got several awards for this film. -Madhuri's performance was great and so was of Karisma.Both got awards and Karisma also got her first National Award. -I love its screenplay specially in the shots having an acting stage within the film.(See its climax to confirm what i said.) MUST SEE IT AFTER READING MY COMMENTS IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH ME. I AM SURE YOU WILL ALSO BECOME A DTPH FAN LIKE ME.

  • 爱有天定



      罗希特(赫里尼克•罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)是一关之琳与刘銮雄个普通的不能再普通的男人,做着卑微的职业,拿着微薄的薪水。罗希特和叔叔婶婶以及表弟阿密特生活在一起,叔叔婶婶非常热爱音乐,这种热爱感染了罗希特,让他渐渐想要成为一名歌手。  一次偶然中,罗希特邂逅了名为索尼娅(阿米莎•帕泰拉 Ameesha Patel 饰)的美丽女子,两人一见钟情私定终身,实际上,索尼娅是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐,为了能够成长为配得上她的男人,罗希特决定放手去追逐自己的音乐梦想。哪知道一场意外中,罗希特跌落海中下落不明,悲痛欲绝的索尼娅被父亲送往新西兰疗养,哪知道在那里,她竟然遇见了一个和罗希特长得一模一样的男人。

  • 我心狂野1997



      每个人在某个地方总有一体验试看十分钟视频个属于你的人存在。“我心狂野”就是让这种信念实现的故事。它讲述的是拉忽尔,一个不相信爱情的人的故事。拉忽尔不太理解人们是如何能够在一起相处一生,难道真的有人是属于他的吗?这又是关于坡佳,一个相信一定有人是属于她的,而且她一定能遇上那个人的女孩的故事。这还是关于妮震寰转莎,一个认为爱情就是友谊,终有一天她的梦想会实现的故事。这部电影还有出色的音乐献给那些有梦想而充满热情的人们。他们的梦想能实现吗?他们能找到他们的真你好李焕英 电影在线观看免费爱吗?影片将让我们相信每个人在某个地方总有一个属于你的人存在。

  • 勇夺芳心



      乔德利(阿莫瑞什·普瑞 Amrish Puri 饰)和妻子结婚多年,一直十分恩爱。两人共同养育了两个女儿希姆莱(卡卓尔 Kajol 饰)和图吉(Pooja Ruparel 饰)最新版天堂在线www,两个姑娘都出落得亭亭玉立。一晃眼,希姆莱就到了该嫁人的年纪了,尽管乔德利一家人已经在伦敦生活了二十多年了,但乔德利骨子里依旧是一个传统的印度人。  乔德利将希姆莱许配给了朋友的儿子库杰(帕尔米特·塞希 Parmeet Sethi 饰),这让希姆莱感到十分不满。一次偶然中,希姆莱邂逅了名为拉杰(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)的印度男子,尽管拉向日葵视频app安卓杰为人轻浮,油腔滑调,但希姆莱还是同他坠入了情网。得知此事的乔德利举家迁回了印度,拉杰亦紧跟其后,他要如何才能获得乔德利的认可呢?





