  • 甜蜜的生活



      马切罗(马塞洛•马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)是某杂志的专栏记者,他曾试图成为一名作家但是事与愿违,只得终日为明星绯闻奔忙。马切罗经常出席一些社会名流的交际酒会,于是他暗自柚木提娜快播和摄影师勾搭,设计拍摄明星隐私然后公诸于众。马切罗有一个女友元玛,在送 她回家的途中,搭乘了一位妓院老鸨,后者对他讲述了很多风月场中的轶事,这让他对名利场更加厌恶。在基督教的某个仪式上,一位从美国来的名模总是对着媒体搔首弄姿,后来马切罗的批评家朋友斯泰纳一针见血指出了她的虚伪之处,这让他逐渐认清了上流社会的腐朽,并开始重新审视自己的生活。他发现自己并不热衷奢华的生活,而且对于那个自以为是的元玛也并不满意,并进行了我行我素的反抗……

  • 阶级关系



      改编自卡夫卡未完成的长篇小说《美国》,但其关注的并非真实的美国,更像是没有详细年代的关于美国的寓言。卡尔•罗斯蓝旖琳曼由于丑闻而接受其舅舅的邀请搬去美国,然而他无法摆脱欧洲大陆旧式习惯,更糟的是,欧洲的阶级结构无法让他通过自己的双手谋生。这一电影版关注资本主义社会创造的残酷而变幻莫测的阶级关系。同时忠于原著而未添加影片的结局。施特劳布夫妇风格的一贯康定情歌 电影操作与卡夫卡氛围的完美结合:中景固定机位,面无表情的演员,人物肢体和语言刻意僵硬,强调侧面特写,镜头推进及平移刻意突兀。由此我们可以寻求到改编卡夫卡作品的带实验性的可能。

  • 千面珍宝金



    这是一部著名歌手女教师的诱惑和演员 Jane Birkin (珍.宝金)的电影画像。我们发现各式各样的珍.宝金,在各种不caobicao同的季节,在各种不同的状况。还包括其它的珍:圣女贞德、泰山的珍、法国著名男歌手 Gainsbourg吸血夜惊魂 ,也就是珍.宝金的丈夫的珍……

  • 女巫1967



      "The Witch Burnt Alive"  After a very long, but visually arresting animated opening credits sequence, Luchino Visconti (Death in Venice) directs the first story, which is the longest of the five, taking approximately a third of the film's running length. Mangano plays a superstar actress and model who travels to a mountain resort, only to find the well-to-do inhabitants have prejudices and preconceived notions about her based on her public persona. The women are all jealous and the men all want to sleep with her, but all Mangano wants is to be left alone. It's a mostly somber satirical piece, but story-wise, it languishegame experts in its modest idea a bit long, becoming inconsequential to all but those fascinated by the realities of being famous.  "Community Spirit"  Bolognini's piece isn't really a story. It's more of a visual gag, in a short segment that features Mangano offering to take an injured man to a hospital, driving him at breakneck speed throughout the city, but not stopping at locations where he might find aid. I won't give away the punchline here, but it succeeds in being amusing, even if it's the kind of thing that only is interesting the first time through.  "The Earth Seen from the Moon"  The esteemed writer/director, Pier Paolo Pasolini (Salo), crafts the middle segment, which is the most artistic and memorable of the five. Reminiscent in style to "Don Quixote", a recently widowed father and his son travel around the country in search of a new wife and mother, and after a long period, they discover the literally speechless Mangano. She brings joy into their lives, but they are poor, and in order to find a better life for themselves, they concoct a scheme to try to make some quick cash. The story is contrived, and not completely interesting, but the outlandish performances, artwork, and costumes does evoke great charm and likeability. Although mute, it's probably the most appealing of Mangano's five performances, and Toto is terrific.  "The Sicilian"  Franco Rossi directs the fourth an shortest piece, a straight-forward revenge story that comes and goes before it ever has a chance of becoming interesting. It's violent, but easily the least satisfying of the five stories.  "A Night Like Any Other"  Eastwood's appe华为手机游戏 免费下载arance is clearly the biggest attraction here, which was filmed in between the Sergio Leone "Dollars" trilogy. It's an enjoyable departure from his normal roles, playing a comedic romantic lead, and he is affably fun to watch. Famed Italian director, Vittorio de Sica (The Bicycle Thief, Umberto D.) does a masterful job with the story, which perfectly blends the mundane and the fantasy in a visually satisfying way. The story is about a bored housewife (Mangano, of course), who tries in vain to get her husband to realize that he is not as romantic as he used to be. The scene is interspersed with comedic romance sequences revolving around the couple's past romantic interludes, and dreams of how their lives should be.

  • 千面珍宝金



      这是一部著名歌手和演员 Jane Birkin (珍.宝金)的电影画像。我们发现各式各样的珍.宝金,在各种不同的季节,在各种不同的状况。还包括其它的珍:圣女贞德、泰暮光之城3迅雷下载山的珍、法国著名男歌手 Gainsbourg ,也就是珍.宝金的丈夫的珍……

  • 一九零零



      1901年1月27日,著名作曲家歌剧大师威尔弟去世,这也正是意重生之怀孕大利北部两户家庭产子的同一天。阿弗雷德(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro饰),富有的农场主的孙子;奥尔茂(杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu饰),贫穷的农户的孙子。两人从小就结下了友谊,然而因为地位阶级与出身经历的不同,注定了两人天壤之别的迥然人生。  由意大利著名导演贝纳多·贝托鲁奇执导的史诗巨作《一九零零》,以20世纪初期意大利社会动荡时期为故事背景,时间跨越40年,讲述了阶级矛盾和家族纷争下仇恨和抗争的故事。本片被西方国家视为阶级斗争电影读本,加上电影情节的大胆尺度,影片被长期禁映。本片演员阵容豪华,巨星云集,包红楼林家夫人括罗伯特·德尼罗、杰拉德·德帕迪约、唐纳德·萨瑟兰、多米尼克·桑达、伯特·兰开斯特、斯特林·海登、斯坦芬尼·桑德莱里、劳拉·贝蒂等众多大牌明星。

  • 定理



      一位访客(特伦斯·斯坦普 Terence St第一刺客女婿免费阅读amp 饰)的到来彻底改变了一个家庭的生活,虽然这个访客没有身份,没有历史,甚至连名字都没有,但家庭中的每一个人都被他诱惑为他癫狂。妻子(肖瓦娜·曼加诺 Silvana Mangano 饰),丈夫(马西莫·吉洛提 Massimo Girotti 饰),女儿(安妮·维亚泽姆斯基 Anne Wiazemsky 饰),儿子(Andrés José Cruz Soublette 饰),女佣(劳拉·贝蒂 Laura Betti 饰),每一个人都臣服于八戒八戒观看在线完整版访客所带来的灵魂与欲望的纠葛之中。  访客离开后,丈夫放弃了经营多年的工厂,妻子开始于工人们寻欢作乐,女儿陷入了内心的顽疾之中,儿子开始探索艺术带来的奇迹与喜悦,女仆的身上则显露了神迹。一切都陷入了混乱,可是依旧没有人知道,这位神秘的访客到底是何方神圣……





