Amiko isn’t like other children. Her endless energy and curious eccentricities make her an outcast at school and get her in trouble at home. When a painful family loss disrupts her seemingly 中文天堂最新版www官网idyllic seaside life, her sense of isolation intensifies, yet it doesn’t stop Amiko from inviting people into her world. Morii Yusuke’s directorial debut is a confident and compassionate story about a child’s imagination. The film balances sorrow with joy and harsh lessons with naive delight – much like growing up. Crucially, Amiko never forgets who is at the centre of the story. The wry humour and detailed compositions of small-town Japan, as well as the film’s hopeful tenor, are reminiscent of Ogigami Naoko or Hirokazu Kore-eda’s works. The gentle and languorous atmosphere is enriched by a score from upcoming folk star Ichiko Aoba. Kana Osawa delivers an exquisite, force-of-nature performance as young Amiko. Effortlessly natural, her commanding presence and vitality carry great weight whilst ensuring the film never falls into despair. Amiko’s unbeaten spirit in the face of tired adults and uncooperative classmates lets us go through the pain, as well as experience flashes of mischievous whimsy, alongside a spiriting musical sequence that will ensure you’ll never listen to a conga drum the same way.
《没有季节的城市》改编自日本知名作家山本周五郎的同名传奇小说,同时也是近年难得一见的疗愈暖心小品,透过一段动人心肠的故事为饱受生活压力所苦的观众带来一丝温暖的曙光,讲述一群与众不同的怪人在临时住宅共同生活的日常点滴。故事的开始要回到12 年前,一场毁灭性的灾害摧毁了无数日本居民的家园,而劫后余生的人们则被迫搬到一个古怪的社区,并开始重建灾难后的新生活。但随着涌入这个社居的居民越来越多,人民也开始面临被驱逐的威胁,此时,一名昵称“短裤半助”的男人接获指令来到这个城市工作,工作内容则是要向雇用自己的人报告此处居民生活情况。 短裤半助(池松壮亮 饰)在日本发生灾害后,早已选择封闭自己内心,但来到这个城市后他却逐渐打开尘封已久的心房,不只与居民们慢慢建立了深刻的情感,更爱上了这个由各式dongbeidakang各样的居民、关系、与故事堆砌而成的城市。然而,正当他将这个城市视为自己真正的家时,却传出这个小镇即将被拆除的噩耗。