  • 爱情魔咒




  • 伦敦大道



      本片根据Ken Bruen同名小说改编,由威廉姆•莫纳汉亲自改编剧本。  米切尔(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)以前是个混迹在街头的痞子,蹲了几年牢被释放后决定重新做人斯文败类by鹿时安,但却一直找不到工作。以前的那些朋友给他提供了一个替给放高利贷的金主收钱的工作,无可奈何的他只能接受。但不久后,他被一个不愿意抛头露面的女明星艾思林(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley)雇佣。艾思林不堪小报记者和狗仔队的困扰,雇佣了米切尔来给自己“清除麻烦”。当艾思林渐渐了解切米尔的为人,两人坠入了爱河。就在米切尔憧憬未来的时候,他的过去找上李天一搞过梦鸽吗了门来。街头的那些违法犯罪的事情一直跟随着他。不幸的是,米切尔发现自己又莫名其妙地卷入了黑帮的矛盾中,这些矛盾直接威胁着他现在的生活,他能安然度过这些烦恼的事情并和艾思林生活在一起么?

  • 古巴浪人



      十三岁的布鲁斯(Ben Radcliffe 饰)精通萨尔萨舞,在比赛场上无疑一颗光芒四射的明星,但在现实生活中,胆小又有操黑丝袜些懦弱的布鲁斯却成为了同龄人们欺负的对象。一场意外的发生彻底摧毁了布鲁斯的自信,陷入了恐惧之中的布鲁斯放弃了舞蹈的理想,彻底的陷入了堕落的生活之中。  一晃眼二十二年过去,此时的布鲁斯(尼克·弗罗斯特 Nick Frost 饰)成为了一个一事无成的平庸胖子,生活中唯一的希望来自于美丽善良的女上司茱莉亚(拉什达·琼斯 Rashida Jones 饰)乘客 电影,一个契机令布鲁斯下定决心对茱莉亚发起热情的攻势2019手机版光棍影院免费1111,在同事德鲁(克里斯·奥多德 Chris O'Dowd 饰)和姐姐萨姆(奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰)鼓励和帮助之下,布鲁斯重回舞场,对自己发起了挑战。

  • 超凡世界



      带观众走入衰败中free japan girl的欧洲,来一趟超凡之日出东方gl旅。集结了黑色幽默和奇幻故事,讲述一群人在碰上了一位陌生人之后,他们的生活开始崩坏。

  • 流浪猫鲍勃2:鲍勃的礼物



     视频聊天网大全 詹姆斯(卢克·崔德威 Luke Treadaway 饰)从未想过一只流浪的橘猫可以拯救自己的人生。戒毒成功后的他与猫咪鲍勃过着贫苦却温馨的日子,一人一猫的卖唱风景总是能在街头成为焦点,为他们带来非诚勿扰在线更多收入。眼看着生活开始有了起色,不料鲍勃却突然受伤,詹姆斯也面临着被迫和鲍勃分离的危机……

  • 后半生第一季



      托尼(瑞奇·热维斯饰)原本过着幸福美满的生活。但他的妻子丽莎去世后,托尼性情大变。他曾想结束自己的生命,但最终决定要长久地活着,放纵自己,肆意任为,借此惩罚这个世界。他认为自己好像拥有一种超级力量,不再关心自己或任何人。但事实证明,当每个人试图拯救他们曾经认识的好人时,这种力量瞬间弱化。  除热维斯之外,本片主演还有饰演托尼妻子丽莎的克里·戈德利曼(《德里克》)、饰演托尼妹夫马特的海贼王免费观看完整版在线观看汤姆·巴斯登(《罗马三贱客》、《路上人生》)、饰演托尼好友兰尼的托尼·威(《明日边缘》)、饰演托尼父亲的大卫·布拉德利(《哈利·波特》系列电影、《权利的游戏》)以及饰演托尼父亲的护士的阿什利·詹森(《临时演员》)。  其他主演还有佩内洛普·威尔顿(《唐顿庄园》、《神秘博士》)、大卫·厄尔(《陵园路口》、《德里克》)、乔·威尔金森(《他和她》)、克里·戈德利曼(《德里克》)、曼蒂普·迪伦、乔·哈特利、鲁瓦森·科纳蒂、蒂姆·普莱斯特和黛安·摩根(《路上人生》)。  《后半生》是 Derek Productions 推出的 Netflix 原创剧集。这部六集系列剧由瑞奇·热维斯担任创剧人、编剧和导演。查理·汉森担任制片人,瑞奇·热维斯和邓肯·海耶斯担任监制。

  • 古宅老友记第一季




  • 华泽尔·古米治



      Set to broadcast in two one-hour films, this family treat is inspired by the classic books of Barbara Euphan Todd and is pegged to be the TV event of the season. Mackenzie 美国十次导航 唐人Crook has taken Scatterbrook farm and the infamous characters of this well-loved tale and injected them with a tender and authentic charm. This is the perfect family adventure, packed with a fun, mischievous spirit and delivered with an environmental message.  Mackenzie Crook, (Pirates Of The Caribbean, Detectorists) who has written, directed and stars as Worzel Gummidge, has gathered a host of both accomplished and brilliant actors who are set to appear in this eagerly anticipated adaptation.  Playing The Green Man, creator of the scarecrows, who arrives to Scatterbrook in episode two, is comedy legend Sir Michael Palin. He says: “It’s a lovely part for me, but the whole script is very memorable and touching, and very funny too. It quite skillfully weaves in something for everybody all the time.”  Zoë Wanamaker (My Family, Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone) will play the eccentric local aristocrat, Lady Bloomsbury Barton in episode two. She says: “The whole thing is so charming and inventive. It’s the sort of thing I’d watch. I’m sure it will be a huge success. I know it will - it’s divine.”  Vicki Pepperdine (Getting On, The Windsors) takes on the role of the formidable Aunt Sally in episode one. She says: “There’s something for everybody. It’s got this heart to it, and you’d be hard pushed as an adult not to engage with it.”  Steve Pemberton (League Of Gentleman, Benidorm) will play Mr Braithwaite, the farmer. He says: “This is the kind of show the whole family can enjoy together. It has a lot of humour, a lot of visual humour too, and I think kids will enjoy watching the children being central to the story.”  Rosie Cavaliero (Gentleman Jack, Cleaning Up) will play Mrs Braithwaite, she added: “It’s a story about the imagination, and children escaping into this different world. Mackenzie’s version is totally contemporary.”  Ones to watch India Brown (Hetty Feather) and Thierry Wickens (making his TV debut) will play Susan and John, two city children spending their summer at Scatterbrook farm who quickly befriend Worzel and begin a summer of adventures.  The first episode, The Scarecrow Of Scatterbrook, sees two young strangers arrive in the village of Scatterbrook. It’s not long before Susan and John encounter Worzel Gummidge, the Scarecrow of Ten Acre Field. Their world is sent spinning into confusion when they realise Gummidge comes to life. The only person more shocked is Worzel, when he discovers that the c亚洲黄图hildren are not in fact fellow scarecrows but humans.  Their worlds should never commune but fate has conspired to create an extraordinary union. The seasons have stopped and the harvest hasn’t arrived. The rhythm of the natural world is out of kilter and this unlikely trio must try to put it right. Magic, mystery and mayhem unfurl.  The second episode, The Green Man, welcomes another mysterious arrival to Scatterbrook. The Green Man is the creator of scarecrows and keeper of scarecrow lore. He isn’t at all happy that Worzel is consorting with humans. Elsewhere, local aristocrat Lady Bloomsbury Barton is holding a fete, with a Scarecrow competition that Worzel is determined to win. What will The Green Man and Worzel's most competitive rival, Soggy Bogart make of it all?  Worzel Gummidge is written and directed by Mackenzie Crook and is a Leopard Pictures, Treasure Trove Productions and Lola Entertainment production for BBC One. It is Executive Produced by Kristian Smith for Leopard Pictures, Lisa Thomas for Lola Entertainment, Mackenzie Crook for Treasure Trove Productions, with rights holders Patrick D. Pidgeon and Eric S. Rollman executive producers for Pidgeon Entertainment, Inc. It is produced by Georgie Fallon and Alex Moody is the Commissioning Editor for the BBC.  Further casting:  Francesca Mills - Earthy Mangold  Tim Plester - Clarty  Colin Michael Carmichael - Soggy Bogart  Andrew James Spooner - Flat Alistair  Phil Hulford - Hannah Harrow  Tom Meeten - HMS Odney  Christopher-Robert Barlow - Rag Bag  Kiran Shah - Chopper and Root Bound  Charlie Mayhew - Rustle Sprouter  Lucy Montgomery - Jackie Pudding  Gus Brown - Oswald Pollypop  Malik Ibheis - Trike  Ben Langley - Driver  Mariam Haque - Receptionist

  • 控制2007



      18岁的叛逆男孩伊恩(萨姆芒果TV致歉•赖利 Sam Riley 饰)最喜欢做的事就是把自己关在房间里听着摇滚乐,对着镜子为自己画眼线。在他的眼中,家乡小镇死气沉沉,毫无出路,而喊出人生真谛的摇滚乐才会使得人的青春有着那么点儿乐趣。这日,伊恩前往伦敦观秋天的命运国语版看著名摇滚乐队性枪手的演出。伊恩似乎天生就是为了摇滚活着,他在演出会现场结识了性枪手的三位成员,当时正在寻找主唱的他们认定了伊恩就是最佳人选。于是,男孩伊恩开始了他的摇滚之路。&l东方证券金典版行情系统t;/p>

  • 游侠笑传第一季



      这既是一部单机位情景喜剧,也是一部音乐喜剧,有些人将它看做《传说》(Once U亚洲人人为我我为人人pon A Time)和《音乐之乡》(Nashville)的结合体。著名作曲家Alan Menken和作词家Glenn Slater将为该剧谱写原创歌曲。故事描述Richard国王偷走了Ga lavan最新网游排行榜2013t(Joshua Sasse)最心爱的女人Madalena(Mallory Jansen),Galavant发誓要报仇。Galavant是一位经典的童话英雄——风流倜傥,英勇善战。与此同时,他还具备屠龙的能力和乐善好施的好心肠。让Galavant感到沮丧的是,M电视剧少年康熙adalena为了追求荣华富贵宁可跟年纪一大把的邪恶国王Richard(Timothy Omundson)在一起也不愿意跟身无分文的自己过苦日子。





