  • 敌军




  • 灵殇




  • 暴雨将至



    在马其顿,战争中的波斯尼亚,东正教的一位年轻修士以沉默保护一位年轻女孩,这位阿尔张筱雨花浴巴尼亚女孩涉嫌杀害一位东正教徒。但其实只是误会。修士以自己的善良决定与女孩私奔。  在伦敦,一位摄影记者(凯特琳·卡特利吉 Katrin Cartlidge 饰)在餐馆与她的丈夫谈论感情变淡的问题,二人争吵激烈之时,一名种族主义者冲入餐馆开枪扫射。爱,在生死之间突然变得清晰。  一位离开好友的摄影记者(拉德·舍博德兹加 Rade Serbedzija 饰)从伦敦出发,回到16年没来的老家马其顿。这里有他的老朋友,他的东正教朋友们,还有与阿尔巴尼亚人的种族矛盾。摄影记者尝试通过和解的方式化解纷争,但是,这一切远没有他想象的那么简单。  “圆圈不是一个圆何洁门照艳全集。”三段相互交错的故事,不同文化、宗教、民族的误会造成的悲剧。

  • 校监游戏



      High 台湾贝贝school intrigues and pulsating eroticism at a boarding school where it’s straight to be queer, in a stylistically impeccable film adaptation of Kristofer Folkhammar’s successful novel.  The school year at St. Sebastian has just started and a group of friends expectantly drop into the school area that is exclusively populated by queer guys. The much-desired Charles enters into secret sexual power games orchestrated by the strict school master, who is tortured by memories from a time long before the erotic acceptance that prevails at the boarding school. When the competition for admissions to the prestigiou3gp下载s singing event harden, friends岛囧hips crack and the utopian existence begins to fall apart piece by piece. Based on Kristofer Folkhammar’s novel of the same name, inspired by high school films and gay porn, The Schoolmaster Games illustrates a world where sexuality is free, but power games simmer beneath the surface.

  • 糖爹先生



    色狗狗网站  Mr. Sugar Daddy depicts the story of a man looking for a 斗罗大陆180fresh start. Hans falls for young Andrej and is thrown into a game that does no杨晓青儿t allow any winner.

  • 特种部队毁尸灭尽



    Five Spec Ops, Alpha Squad, head a simple Recon Mission that turns into an all out war f纲手姬or survival against a wave of undead experiments. Alpha Squad must fight, not just for the sake of their own survival, but the fate of the world.

  • 再见二十世纪



      SUPERCOOL马其顿动作幻想片!  sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the exposure that they deserve - that very few people will get to enjoy them... but sometimes, i think that the lack of exposure is what makes movies like this one - if indie was mainstream i洛诗寒和战寒爵全文免费阅读t wouldn't have been indie, would it?... so, the best thing i could say about "Zbogum na 20 vek" is a that it's a great movie, but it's not for everyone. the story is rather controversial, the level of blood and gore on screen is rather high (it makes the US horror flicks from the '90s look like kindergarten cartoons) and the editing... well, it's so uneven, that it might induce vomiting... however, if you have the stomach to go over these things, chances are that you will love this film, because it is indeed full of heart. if you don&欢天喜地七仙女演员表;#39;t love it, watch it again... once you know what's happening in the movie it will be much easier for you to pick up all the small details that not only make the scenes look cooler, but also deeper (i have a theory that the whole movie could be seen through symbols only, but it's too long to write it down here)... none of my friends liked it at first, but after two or three viewings, they find it at least respectable if not outright brilliant... so, to cut things up, if you can find this movie, see it by all means. 9.5/10

  • 我唾弃你的坟墓2



      美丽高挑却境遇不佳的模特凯蒂(杰玛·达兰德 Jemma Dallender 饰)四处寻找工作的机会,她偶然与一家工作是取得联系,短暂交流之后便于次日登门。谁知才拍摄没几张,摄影师伊凡(Joe Absolom 饰)便提出无理要求,不愿出卖肉体和灵魂的凯蒂当即离开。本以为这段糟糕的经历已告一段落,结果第二天夜晚,伊凡唯唯诺诺的助手乔治(Yavor Baharov 饰)闯入她的公寓,对其进行了无情凌辱与虐待,并且残忍杀害了闻讯赶来的邻居杰森(Michael Dixon 饰)。事后,乔治求助伊凡和尼基(Aleksandar Aleksi我的好妈妈6高清在线观看中文版ev 饰),三人决定嫁祸凯蒂,隐瞒真相。  女孩的命运系在三个变态手中,在走投无路之际,唯有依靠自己的双手惩罚恶徒,逃出生天……

  • 快乐影响



      Lea is a young girl on the brink of death. She begins her final challenge, a thesis that seeks proof in the belief that happiness can be multiplied, as can the feelings of sadness, loneliness, and misery. Unfolding the research, she discovers the "Werther Effect", a phenomenon that creates a negative domino effect. She turns to her work on a project which will achieve th平山熏e opposite effect, something which would be named the "happiness effect". Utilizing an eclectic, individualistic approach to experimentation and the 太阳的后裔在线观看power of positive thinking, connections and equations lead her on a path to uncover ultimate happiness.

  • 特种部队:毁尸灭尽



      Five Spec Ops, Alpha Squad, h翻译官txt新浪ead a simple Recon Mission that turns into an all out war for survival against a wave of undead济公游记电视剧 experiments. Alpha Squad must fight, not just for the sake of their own survival, but the fate of the world.

  • 暴雨将至



      在马其顿,战争中的波斯尼亚,东正教的一位年轻修士以沉默保护一位年轻女孩,这位阿尔巴尼亚女孩涉嫌杀害一位东正教徒。但其实只是误会。修士以自己的善良决定与女孩私奔。  在伦敦,一位摄影记者(凯特琳·卡特利吉 Katrin Cartlid够了 够了 不要了 太多了ge 饰)在餐馆与她的丈夫谈论感情变淡的问题,二人争吵激烈之时,一名种族主义者冲入餐馆开枪扫射。爱,在生死之间突然变得清晰。  一位离开好友的摄影记者(拉德·舍博德兹加 Rade Serbedzija 饰)从伦敦出发,回到16年没来的老家马其顿。这里有他的老朋友,他的东正教朋友们,还有与阿尔巴尼亚人的种族矛盾。摄影记者尝试通过和解的方式化解纷争,但是,这一切远没有他想象的那么简单。  “圆圈不是一个圆。”三段相互交错的故事,不同文化、宗教、民族的误会造成的悲剧。

  • 彼得一世2018




  • 黑名单上的人



      1941年夏天,德国纳粹入侵南斯拉诛仙多玩夫,南斯拉夫人民勇敢地与希特勒抗争。特别行动小组的人员被德纳粹 列入黑名单,可是他们毫不畏惧并依靠群众的力量,机智、勇敢地与纳粹较量,奇袭德军的车库、抓叛徒、开设地下印刷所,并袭击德军弹药库和军列……人们将永远记住那些为国家的独立解放而立下汗马功劳和付出生命的英雄们……  1.《特别行动小组》  2.《奇袭车库》  3.《叛徒》  4.《地下印刷所》  5.《蘑菇行动》  6.《私人导游能睡吗袭击弹药库》  7.《巴尼察集中营》  8.《特别邮车》  9.《小费帕亚》  10.《费拉达.鲁斯》男人的好看视频  11.《秘密文件》  12.《偷运伤员》  13.《血溅船厂》

  • 狩猎之夜



      When an unsuspecting woman stops at a remote gas station in the dead of night, sb影院she's made the plaything of a sociopath sniper with a secret vendetta. To survive she must not only dodge his bul卢浮魅影下载lets and fight for her life, but also figure out who wants her dead and why.





